10 May 2019

MTWARA: Police and Prison Police will fight in front of the buses, bombs and bullets

Police and Military Military Soldiers in Masasi District in Mtwara Region, have fought in the front of the Tunduru highway.

Regional Police Commander Mtwara, Blasius Chatanda

Referring to the incident, Mtwara Regional Police Commander Blasius Chatanda said the incident occurred last Thursday at 6pm after police officers arrested a prisoner who was allegedly running a motorcycle without wearing a hard hat.

Chatanda said after the clash, the police shot at the air and frenzy tear bombs that led to massive accidents in the district.

However, Chatanda commander did not mention the names of the soldiers and the police.

Chatanda said after the clash, the police shot at the air and threw the tear bombs that led to a massive accident for the local people.

He said a short time came five soldiers who came to the scene for the rescue of a colleague, and when the police and Prison soldiers started fighting.

Commander Chatanda said the police was patrolling in the normal operation of firearms especially the famous motorcycles like bodaboda, who have been running without following traffic rules.

He said after the police arrested a prisoner who was driving a motorcycle without wearing a hard hat and wanted him to go to the police station or leave his motorcycle, he objected and the dispute began.

“After a while a group of prison soldiers came to rescue a colleague after they saw him caught by the police, and a group of police officers came to their rescue, and the two armed forces began to explode and shoot the air in the air,” said Chatanda Commander.

Chatanda commander said following the incident, the Police Force is continuing to investigate the source of the violence, including making emergency hearings between the Police Force and the Prisons, and that the investigation will be completed by law.


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