16 May 2019

Nikki wa Pili criticizes God's sacred words about the creation of the woman, Kikwete and Billnass talk about it

Hip Hop musician, Second Nikki found himself in a difficult time after giving his opinion differently from the Bible about the creation of a woman as the sacred books.

Second Nikki commented on social networks saying that the man was not the first to be created by God as the Bible says, but the old system was the male and the Bible was written by men.

“Stori says God created the first man, then later came to create a woman from her ribs, I think it's so because it is written by a man and it was written a time when the society grew too far in gender rights, is a male storio,” he wrote Second Nikki.

The views were completely different from his fans and his fellow artists including Billnass who told him that he had reached the point of criticizing the Bible to marry a beautiful woman.

“We have come to the criticism of the Bible Really Nickson? Someone Can Find a Good Woman You can say anything, about anything without fear of anyone, ”wrote Billnass.

Another emerging counselor is MP Chalinze, Hon. Kikwete who has told him to think deeply because the words written are holy and the truth will remain the same.

“I ask you to fear God. These are sacred stories and are true. For we are going to come to assure us that we started as monkeys and that Evolution is really. I think that's a problem. Some of these are of God, He wants to tell us that God is about Me, ”he advised Ridwani Kikwete.

However, many people who have given their opinions have been exposed to second-hand Nikki on his view.


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