16 May 2019

Nigeria: They were arrested for allegedly eating lunch during Ramadan, the private claimants did not see the moon

Islamic Sharia police in the northern state of Nigeria The Islamic Sharia Kano have temporarily detained 80 people accused of eating publicly during the day, rather than fasting from dawn until sunset according to Islamic religious orders in this glorious month of Ramadan .

Image result for Nigeria 80 people arrested for eat ramadhan

Sharia police, known as Hisbah, say they were arrested at different times in different parts of Kano town for several days.

Kano State is one of several northern states of Nigeria where Islamic Sharia was rebuilt since 2000. Islamic Sharia is implemented in line with common law in these states.

Hisbah's spokesman in Kano province, Adam Yahaya, told the BBC that all arrested were Muslims and non-Muslim officers because they were not bound by Islamic law.

He said some of those arrested had told Sharia's office that they were eating because they did not see themselves in Ramadan while others said they were sick, but the officials said that their claims were not based on any basis.


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